Call for Abstract

16th International Conference on Mental Health & Psychiatry, will be organized around the theme “”

MENTAL HEALTH CONGRESS-2022 is comprised of 20 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in MENTAL HEALTH CONGRESS-2022.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Depression is the main cause of disability around the world, an expected 4.4 percent of the worldwide populace experiences discouragement, as indicated by a report delivered by the UN World Health Organization (WHO), which shows an 18 percent expansion in the quantity of individuals living with Depression somewhere in the range of 2005 and 2015. Its outcomes further lead to huge weight in general wellbeing, including a higher danger of dementia, untimely mortality emerging from actual problems, and maternal despondency impacts on kid development.

  • Burden of illness
  • Depression
  • Epidemiology



Fear, worry, and stress are normal responses to recognize or real threats, and at times when we are faced with uncertainty or the unknown. So it is normal and understandable that people are experiencing fear in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Added to the fear of getting the infection in a pandemic, for example, COVID-19 are the critical changes to our everyday lives as our developments are confined on the side of endeavors to contain and hinder the spread of the infection.

  • Get enough sleep
  • Participate in regular physical activity
  • Eat healthy
  • Avoid tobacco, alcohol and drugs
  • Limit screen time


Neuropsychology is a part of brain science that is concerned about how an individual's discernment and conduct are identified with the cerebrum and the remainder of the sensory system. Experts in this part of brain science regularly center around what wounds or sicknesses of the mind mean for psychological and conduct capacities. Behavioral addictions have comparative impacts to substance addictions on connections, which are regularly disregarded for the habit-forming conduct, subverting trust and squeezing accomplices and other relatives to conceal and compensate for challenges emerging from the fixation.


Major depressive disorder is vigorously affected by natural and hereditary variables. These components incorporate epigenetic adjustment of the genome in which there is a tireless change in quality articulation without an adjustment of the genuine DNA grouping. Hereditary and natural variables can impact the genome for the duration of a day to day existence; notwithstanding, an individual is generally defenseless during childhood. Epigenetic factors, like methylation, could fill in as indicators for the adequacy of certain antidepressants treatments.  Currently, antidepressants can be utilized to settle mind-sets and decline worldwide DNA methylation levels.

  • Histone deacetylases
  • Histone methyltransferases
  • Brain-derived neurotrophic factor
  • Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
  • Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor


Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder described by unusual social conduct and trouble grasping on what is genuine and what is not. Most of individuals with schizophrenia likewise experience obsessive-compulsive symptoms. About 12% satisfy the diagnostic criteria for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Schizophrenia and OCD are completely independent of one another, both in their source and side effects, yet share qualities that place a few people at higher danger of both.


The study of mind and behaviour is psychology. Psychology involves the investigation of cognizant and oblivious occurrence. Analysts additionally look for a comprehension of the new properties of minds, connecting the discipline to neuroscience. As sociology, therapists intend to comprehend the behaviour of individual people and groups. The utilization of psychological strategies, especially when based on standard individual interaction with children, to help an individual change conduct and defeat issues desiredly. Psychotherapy means to further develop a person's prosperity and psychological wellness, to determine or alleviate convictions, impulses, emotions or feelings, and to further develop connections and social abilities.

  • Behavior therapy
  • Cognitive therapy
  • Humanistic therapy
  • Integrative or holistic therapy


An individual Psychiatry normally starts with a case history and mental health assessment. Actual assessments and mental tests might be directed. Mental issues are frequently determined in understanding to have clinical ideas recorded in demonstrative manuals like the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), altered and utilized by the World Health Organization (WHO) Psychological well-being, as characterized by the Public Health Agency of Canada, is a person's ability to feel, think, and act in approaches to accomplish a superior personal satisfaction while regarding the individual, social, and social boundaries. Impairment of any of these is a danger factor for mental disorders. Mental health problems are characterized as the medical issue that effect and modifies intellectual working, passionate reactions, and conduct related with trouble and additionally disabled functioning.

  • Autism
  • Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder,
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Major depressive disorder
  • Schizophrenia


Ayurveda assumes a part in the administration of emotional wellness problems. As indicated by Ayurveda, psychological well-being is a condition of harmony of the tridoshas, sapta dhatus and the homeostasis of the receptors and the brain. Of the eight branches in Ayurveda, Grahachikitsa manages brain science and psychiatry to help in the avoidance and the board of psychological wellness issues.

  • Etiology
  • symptoms
  • Diagnosis
  • Therapy for afflictions in humans and animals



Depression occurs more regularly in women than men. A few contrasts in the way in which the discouraged state of mind shows have been discovered dependent on sex and age. In men it shows frequently as sleepiness, crabbiness and outrage. They may show more crazy conduct and misuse medications and liquor. In ladies depression will in general show as sadness, uselessness, and blame. Anxiety is an ordinary feeling. It's your mind's method of responding to pressure and cautioning you of possible risk ahead. With treatment, numerous individuals with anxiety problems can deal with their sentiments.

  • Feeling nervous, restless or tense.
  • Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom.
  • Having an increased heart rate.
  • Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)
  • Sweating.
  • Tremblin


Evolutionary brain science and developmental psychiatry set that psychological problems include the useless activity of mental modules adjusted to tribal physical or social conditions yet not really to present day ones. Social irregularities that take after human dysfunctional behavior have been found in related species. Psychoanalytic theories center around unsettled inside and social contentions. These speculations have been predicated as clarifications of mental issues. This hypothesis focuses around the effect of oblivious forces on human conduct.

  • Disputes about the testability of evolutionary hypotheses,
  • Alternatives to some of the cognitive assumptions (such as massive modularity) frequently employed in evolutionary psychology
  • Claimed vagueness stemming from evolutionary assumption


Addiction psychiatry is a clinical subspecialty inside psychiatry that spotlights on the assessment, analysis, and treatment of individuals who are experiencing at least one issues identified with addiction. This may incorporate issues including lawful and illicit medications, gambling, sex, food, and other motivation control problems. Developing measures of scientific information, for example, the wellbeing impacts and medicines for substance use problems have prompted progressions in the field of addiction psychiatry. These advancements in understanding the neurobiology of compensating conduct, alongside government subsidizing, has considered sufficient freedom for research in the discipline of fixation psychiatry.

  • Drug and alcohol addiction
  • Including genetic and environmental influences,
  • Socioeconomic status,
  • Preexisting mental health conditions



The child and adolescent Psychiatry is dealt by the therapist who works in the analysis and the treatment of issues of reasoning, feeling or potentially conducts influencing youngsters, teenagers, and their families. A child and adolescent therapist offers families the upsides of clinical instruction, the clinical customs of expert morals, and clinical obligation regarding giving exhaustive consideration. It researches the biopsychosocial factors that impact the turn of events and course of mental problems and treatment reactions to different intercessions. child and adolescent specialists fundamentally use psychotherapy or potentially drug to treat mental issues in the pediatric populace.

  • Depressive disorder
  • Dysthymia
  • Depressive disorder
  • Separation anxiety disorder in childhood
  • Generalized anxiety disorders
  • Conduct disorder



Forensic psychiatry is a subspecialty of psychiatry and is identified with criminology. It incorporates the interface among law and psychiatry. As indicated by the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, it is characterized as "a subspecialty of psychiatry in which logical and clinical skill is applied in lawful settings including common, criminal, remedial, administrative, or authoritative issue, and in specific clinical discussions in regions.

  • Emotional Injury.
  • Fitness to Stand Trial.
  • Insanity Defense.
  • Guilty But Mentally Ill.
  • Sentencing (Mitigation, Diminished Capacity, Volitional arm defense)
  • Competency to Confess.
  • Sex Offender Evaluation.


Neuropsychiatry or Organic Psychiatry is a part of medication that arrangements with mental problems inferable from sicknesses of the sensory system. In any case, neuropsychiatry has become a developing subspecialty of psychiatry and it is additionally firmly identified with the fields of neuropsychology and conduct nervous system science. Neurodevelopmental disorders are impedances of the development and improvement of the cerebrum or potentially focal sensory system. A smaller utilization of the term alludes to a problem of mind work that influences feeling, learning capacity, discretion and memory which unfurls as an individual creates and develops

  • Seizures.
  • Attention deficit disorders.
  • Cognitive deficit disorders.
  • Palsies.
  • Uncontrolled anger.
  • Migraine headaches
  • Addictions.
  • Eating disorders


A personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving. A person with a personality disorder has trouble perceiving and relating to situations and people. This causes significant problems and limitations in relationships, social activities, work and school. In some cases, you may not realize that you have a personality disorder because your way of thinking and behaving seems natural to you. And you may blame others for the challenges you face.


  • Cluster A personality disorders
  • Paranoid personality disorder
  • Schizoid personality disorder
  • Schizotypal personality disorder
  • Antisocial personality disorder



People who experience a highly stressful event may have trouble returning to a normal state of mind afterwards. In some cases, they develop a mental health disorder related to the experience. This is known as a Trauma disorder, and there are 7 different types:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Acute Stress Disorder (ASD)
  • Secondhand Trauma
  • Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)
  • Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder (DSED)
  • Adjustment Disorders
  • Other and Unspecified Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders

SUDs describe both the use of illicit, or illegal, substances and the misuse of legal substances like alcohol, nicotine, or prescription drugs. The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) outlines eleven symptoms of SUDs .Having a persistent wish to stop using the substance and/or continuously trying to reduce or control substance use Continuing to use the substance despite knowing that a physical or psychological  health issue was likely caused or worsened by the substance Using the substance in larger amounts or over a long time period than originally intended. Exhibiting withdrawal symptoms when not using the substance.

  • Alcohol
  • Opioids
  • Stimulants
  • Hallucinogens
  • Cannabis


Psychiatric-Mental Health (PMH) registered nurses (RN) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) represent the second largest group of behavioral health professionals in the U.S. They work in a variety of settings and provide comprehensive care to individuals, families, groups, and communities. PMH nurses form strong therapeutic relationships with individuals across the lifespan – becoming familiar with their stories and challenges – to transform lives in a positive way.

  • Psychological therapies
  • Therapeutic alliance
  • hallenging behaviour
  • Pychiatric medication.
  • Psychiatric Intensive Care Units


Bioterrorism/terrorism and disaster/ emergency preparedness are priority topics of most medical specialties. This core priority is demonstrated by both the medical specialty resources in addition to the contribution of scientific articles from these medical specialties. This reflects the diverse medical care that is necessary for terrorist threats and the collaborative efforts that will help to make the medical response to these threats more cohesive.

  • Bioterrorism
  • Terrorism
  • Disaster preparedness.
  • Emergency preparedness


Sleep disorders are a group of conditions that affect the ability to sleep well on a regular basis. Whether they are caused by a health problem or by too much stress, sleep disorders are becoming increasingly common in the United States. Most people occasionally experience sleeping problems due to stress, hectic schedules, and other outside influences. However, when these issues begin to occur on a regular basis and interfere with daily life, they may indicate a sleeping disorder. Depending on the type of sleep disorder, people may have a difficult time falling asleep and may feel extremely tired throughout the day. The lack of sleep can have a negative impact on energy, mood, concentration, and overall health.

  • Insomnia
  • Sleep apnea
  • Parasomnias
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Narcolepsy